But today is not so hot. Very tired and nausea in high gear. I managed to force myself to do a bit of work, which unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on your point of view) has created more work. I will think about that all tomorrow.
One of the recurring thoughts that this disease brings on is the monitoring of medications and what will happen in the future. Hopefully, JR will retire from the Army (waivers and such might be needed--very long story for another blog, not this one) and we will have Tricare which works as the plan b for medicare. I think I have that right. The question is of course, will they cover me, and how will that work with my drug.
Fortunately, for those of us with CML, there is the world's best information site, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society website: http://community.lls.org/community/bloodcancer/livingwith/cml?view=discussions&start=0 where you will find others with this disease who can answer your questions with real information or just lend a shoulder to cry on.
One of the recent discussions was how Tricare works for us. I wanted to be sure to save this information so I am posting a response here that discusses how the system can be worked properly:
I actually talked with someone else at Express Scripts (TriCare Mail Order Pharmacy co.) and the true story is they offer 45 day supplies of Gleevec instead of 90. However, if your oncologist (or PA, Nurse Practititioner) calls and asks for a quantity over-ride, they will authorize the increased amount a year at a time (on a case by case basis.) The phone number for the quantity limit over-ride is: 866-684-4488 and phone number for Express Scripts is: 877-363-1303. Since Gleevec is on their formulary, it is a $9 co-pay (can't beat that!) I'm not sure on their coverage for Sprycel but I wish you luck!! Lisa
Right now we are covered under the Railroad plan, so I get my meds from Accredo, the specialty pharmacy branch of Medco.
Today also brought more medical stuff. I am about to run out of Ambien, which I need on occasion to get to sleep. Sometimes the meds make me wiggly and I have muscle spasms which make it hard to get to sleep. Unfortunately, my PCP (primary care physician) has retired. And trying to find a new one has been hard. I am on the waiting list for one, but that won't happen in time for my Ambien. So I had to ask my onc for a prescription for that. Luckily she said yes. But only wrote it for 30 days with 3 refills. Sigh. Medco will fill up to a 90 day supply. So I am not sure if I have to call them 3 times and have them charge me 3 copays or if they will put them all in one bottle.
And then there is the Meloxicam I take for my elbow and shoulder. Again, since Dr. Fry (PCP) retired, I needed another source for that. I also see an orthopedic specialist for that and he agreed to give me a prescription for that, but it just showed up today with only a 30 day supply and no refills. Double sigh. I don't think that 30 days is going to do it. I have been on the stinking things for a year now, the problem is that the Sprycel I take for the Leukemia also prevents my shoulder and elbow from fixing themselves.
And I am trying to amass all the meds I take as I am going out of town for about 2 and a half weeks. Totally new for me to have to think about medication for that far in advance. To make sure I have enough to take with me, and to have enough so that once I get home, there is enough until I can get more.
Ok, back to the couch for me. enough of this horrid sitting up business.
Tomorrow will be better. But here is a couple of new photos one from the zoo (the otter) and one of a thistle out in the Port's wetland preserve.